High Voltage Standard Capacitor Calibration Principle

NIST Technical Note 1486

Offset switch operation for the standard capacitor (STD) and the device under test (DUT) for different capacitance values over the frequency range of interest. ..9

Capacitance and Dissipation Factor | SpringerLink

In most cases, the standard capacitor, typically a shielded compressed gas capacitor, and the capacitor under test are located in the high-voltage test hall and are


which the transformer under calibration is the standard voltage transformer 4820. C 1 is the capacitor under evaluation, C 2 is composed of low voltage standard capacitors. The

Calibration of Voltage Transformers and High

The problem is that the low-voltage standard capacitor typically has a maximum voltage rating of 500 V, and both the primary of the transformer and the high-voltage standard capacitor might

(PDF) Calibration of Voltage Transformers and High

The service for high-voltage capacitors provides measurements of capacitance and dissipation factor at applied voltages ranging from 100 V to 170 kV at 60 Hz depending on

A Fundamental Step-Up Method for Standard Voltage

method for standard voltage transformers at PTB, as well as the setup of the required components. A main component is an active low-voltage capacitor, designed to realize

A New Approach for Calibrating High-voltage Capacitance and

A high-voltage source, a standard capacitor with known capacitance C S and dissipation factor tan δ S, and a capacitance and dissipation factor bridge are required to

Calibration of High-Voltage Test Equipment

IEC 60060-2 or IEEE Standard no.4-1995 define the configuration of measuring systems (MS) and the demands on the performance as well as the principal calibration methods. With

A New Approach for Calibrating High-voltage Capacitance and

high-voltage standard capacitors with capacitance and dissipation factor standards and bridges is briefly reviewed VIII Semetro. João Pessoa, PB, Brazil, June 17 – 19, 2009 is discussed in

A Development of a Capacitive Voltage Divider for High Voltage

Another widespread principle of voltage measurement is a . Results of calibration measurement of capacitive a capacitor divider-based high-voltage measurement


At National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) the traceability for high voltage transformers is given with the aid of high voltage compressed gas capacitors. The initial measurement of the capacitance

Capacitance Standards and their Calibration

2. Capacitance Calibration The precision measurement of capacitors for the purpose of calibration is generally based on a national primary standard of high accuracy, secondary/working

Basics of High-Voltage Test Techniques | SpringerLink

Because the converse procedure uses the breakdown voltage V 50 (Eq. 2.6), the applicability of Eq.() is limited to values of K t close to unity, for K t < 0.95 it is recommended to

(PDF) Calibration of Voltage Transformers and High

The service for high-voltage capacitors provides measurements of capacitance and dissipation factor at applied voltages ranging from 100 V to 170 kV at 60 Hz depending on the nominal capacitance.

Calibration of Voltage Transformers and High

This paper describes two different calibration services: high-voltage capacitors and voltage transformers. At NIST these two services are per- formed using the same equipment. In fact,

Chapter-8 Measurement of High Test Voltages

High Voltage Standard Capacitor I (a) (b) Fig. 6. The ac peak voltage measurement by Chubb and Fortescue. (a) Fundamental circuit. (b) Recommended circuit Peak Voltage Measurement

Basics of Partial Discharge Measurement | SpringerLink

where u 10 (t) denotes the (theoretical) voltage at C 1 without partial discharge. When u 1 (t) reaches the firing voltage u Z of the spark gap F, the void capacitance C 1

(PDF) Calibration of Voltage Transformers and High

The service for high-voltage capacitors provides measurements of capacitance and dissipation factor at applied voltages ranging from 100 V to 170 kV at 60 Hz depending on the nominal...

Accurate Technique for the Calibration of High-Voltage

This paper presents a comprehensive methodology for the precise calibration of high-voltage capacitance and dissipation factor (DF) bridges. The technique involves

Research on the reliability of capacitor voltage transformers

Research on the reliability of capacitor voltage transformers calibration results. Author links open overlay panel Zhan which can be divided into high-voltage (HV) capacitor

Measurement of High Voltage

Measurement of High Voltage 6.0 High Voltage Measurement High voltages can be measured in a variety of ways. Direct measurement of high voltages is possible up to about The sphere

High Voltage Standard Capacitor Calibration Principle

6 FAQs about [High Voltage Standard Capacitor Calibration Principle]

What voltage can a capacitor be calibrated at?

Calibrations at frequencies from 50–400 Hz are available over a more limited voltage range. The service for high-voltage capacitors provides measurements of capacitance and dissipation factor at applied voltages ranging from 100 V to 170 kV at 60 Hz depending on the nominal capacitance.

What is a high-voltage capacitor?

Calibrations at frequencies from 50-400 Hz are avail- able over a more limited voltage range. The service for high-voltage capacitors provides measurements of capacitance and dissipation factor at applied voltages ranging from 100 V to 170 kV at 60 Hz depending on the nominal capacitance.

What is the calibration service for voltage transformers and high-voltage capacitors?

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) calibration service for voltage transformers and high-voltage capacitors is described. The service for voltage transformers provides measurements of ratio correction factors and phase angles at primary voltages up to 170 kV and secondary voltages as low as 10 V at 60 Hz.

What is a capacitance calibration meter?

2. Capacitance Calibration The precision measurement of capacitors for the purpose of calibration is generally based on a national primary standard of high accuracy, secondary/working Standards derived from it, and a capacitance- (or LCR-) meter used for the measurement (i.e. calibration) of the devices under test (DUT).

What is a high-voltage bridge for capacitance and dissipation factor measurements?

The development of very precise current comparators with high permeability core and electromagnetic shielding has resulted in a new type of high-voltage bridge for capacitance and dissipation factor measurements.

How difficult is it to calibrate capacitors for use as standards?

Selection and calibration of capacitors for use as Standards is a challenging task, especially since the accuracies required, depening on the application, can be very demanding for the test gear as well as for the secondary- and working-standards used.

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